Successful benefits realisation with AOD

We realised that our clients needed increased focus on benefits realisation and increased confidence in delivering the outcomes desired from their investment in specialist consulting support. In response we developed an approach that responds to the needs of our clients and prepared a manual and series of tools that enables clients to:

  • Prepare Better, Lead Brilliantly in implementing change
  • Deliver Projects and Programmes Smarter
  • Harvest, or realise, benefits on schedule

Our range of tools and techniques can be found on Outcome Delivery Network


Our approach seeks to address the key areas of interest for four senior stakeholder groups who will direct, lead or contribute to the desired organisational change programme as illustrated in the table below:

Stakeholder AOD Streams Interest Focus Assured Outcome Delivery Tools
CEO Outcome Establish leadership direction clarity – quickly get from vision to “show me” events – and a basis for consistent communications; establish accountability for change Outcome success from the outset, defined by ‘Show-Me’ Events; socialisation; business ownership; inspecting changes on due dates
Finance Director ROI & Outcome The means to assure the Return On Investment; drive cash benefits; connect values to outcomes; manage returns; ensure project teams understand value of risk Value Driver analysis; Cashpoints;
Bias-free estimating; Double Count removal
Value Case and Business Case
Programme / Change Director Outcome, Plan, ROI, People & Processes Serve business framework within which the programme fits; involve the business stakeholders and secure commitment; justify investment; provide effective change communication & support Right to Left Planning; ROI Connect Table; Benefits Control Process; GameChanging; Benefits dashboard; rich pictures & communication tools
Business Unit Directors / Heads People and Processes & Outcome Gain authority, recognition and the means to drive change; convert resistance; deliver on organisation priorities; design new operating model & processes; performance management Performance Management; ‘Show-Me’ Events; bandwidth analysis; GameChanging; capability development 

